Making Disciples at our Kitchen Table

And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.Acts 2:42

It is surprising how often, after 40 years have gone by, that I think of conversations that I had with my parents around our kitchen table. We also had them in our living room, sitting on mom’s bed, or by dad’s chair late at night. Mom talked about her expectations and why she wanted us to do certain things. Dad talked about what his father taught him about work and play. They both talked to us about God and the Bible and why we believed what we did about the Gospel. I think this is the natural way that God has given for us to learn how to think and how to speak. THIS is how the Word of God lives in and thru us! We hear others describe things and explain things. We say things and have people we love guide our thoughts and correct our errors. We enjoy the candid humor of the irony, sarcasm and the poking of fun and it draws us closer all the while writing the subject matter on our hearts. 

Amy and I are regularly reminded of the topics of our kitchen table, living room, bedside, long car ride talks. These kinds of things come up in random conversions during the week. I got a call late last night from one of my sons as he was driving home from work and we were able to have one of these candid conversations about how the Gospel informs his relationship and conversations with a man on his shift who is contemplating suicide. The Word of God lived in us last night as a direct result of our walking and talking together about the Hope of Jesus Christ.

There was nothing pre-prepared for this phone call or for many of our other daily conversations. I didn’t have time to spend hours studying the Scriptures for this specific topic. That is what life is like! Life happens fast and we need to be prepared with the Gospel message at every turn. We need to respond with the Truth from the Word that has been written daily, in our hearts! We need to have invested our time practicing the proclamation of the Truth together so that when the time comes for us to throw the seed of the Word on the ground of our friends’ and family’s lives – we have already practiced what to say.

THIS is what we do at Loganville Baptist Church on Wednesday evenings. We spend an hour and a half pouring ourselves into each others’ lives and it is the most precious thing that we do as a church on a regular basis! Please join us at 7 this Wednesday evening as we sit together as a family of families and learn how to live for Christ.

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