Our hearts and minds are word factories!

I hear so many things being said in our church building, about our church family, and by our church members. I hear people talking about how much they love to hear the old hymns we sing. I hear people complain about the old hymns we sing. I hear people talk about how much they enjoy my messages. I hear about how awful, long, and loud my messages are. I hear about how empty our parking lot and our pews are. I hear about all of the visitors that have been coming. I hear about how sweet our members are to their neighbors and those in need and I hear about how others fell through the cracks. I hear members volunteering to serve all the time. I hear members giving excuses for why they just don’t have time to participate. I hear people talking about the temperature of the sanctuary and the state of the bathrooms. I hear people talk about the beautiful decorations and the lovely flowers. I hear people talking about all of the great things that happened at LBC when they went here decades ago. I hear people talking about the great things that God is doing in their lives now. I am sure that you hear these same things too.

On Sunday morning I can hear Leroy’s class answering questions and laughing at his funny quips. I can hear my wife’s voice almost shouting with the joy that she experiences as she teaches the ladies class. As I bow my head, I can hear the deacon of the week petition our Lord Jesus Christ for His mercy and guidance for the great congregation that He has gathered for worship. As we sing praises, I can hear Cathy, and Candy, and so many others lifting their voices to the heavens in praise and adoration to our King! 

I also hear about the families who are growing in their love for the Lord. I hear about husband and wives who are still learning how to serve and honor one another. I hear about children who are walking contrary to the Word and how their parents are throwing themselves upon the mercies of their Good Shepherd. I hear from young people who are preparing to enter into the world and want to know whether their anchor will hold. I hear from sinners who have cast off their anchor and are drifting further and further from the security of The Rock. I hear about those who have built their houses on the sands of the pleasures and promises of this world as they see the storms of life bearing down upon them and have no hope that their foundation will hold. I hear from those who have been anchored fully in the Word of God and are living in the midst of those terrible storms with a joy and hope that is indescribable. 

So much of our lives are spent hearing! So much of our lives are lived with words flowing in and out of our mouths and ears. Our hearts and minds really are word factories! We have so very much to say about so many things, but this week, there is something that we HAVE to say that trumps all other things – THIS is why Easter is so important – Easter is about the Good News of Jesus Christ. That is what Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4. He says that the words of the Scriptures are of first importance: “Jesus died for sinners, He was buried, and He was raised on the third day!” 

Church – THIS is the news that we are to be speaking more than any other messages that we might ever have! This is the news that the church of Jesus Christ has been spreading across the pages of history. This is the only thing that we can do that will cause the church to grow and stop the evil of this world – this message is the very power of God for salvation for every who believes. Let’s make THIS truth be heard in our church building, with our church family, and by our church members!

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