Ezra 3:8-13 – What Part Does God’s Word Play?

Podcast - Way too often we think of the Bible as if it were God’s purpose to kill our joy and destroy our freedom but that is a terrible way to look at it! It shows us how to stay safe - it protects us from straying outside His will, and it establishes boundaries for our thinking, feeling, and doing. What part is His Word playing in your life?

Jude 5-7 – The Letter Jude Did Write…

In the most recent Podcast, Pastor Steve tells us about how Jude wanted to write another letter, one that presented the gospel. Something happened that caused him to write a letter of warning and correction - In the verses that we are going to look at this morning, Jude will begin to describe the end of these ungodly people. He does it by turning to the Old Testament.

1 Samuel 1:1-20 – A Mother’s God!

In today's message we will see how God brings suffering into our lives and how Hannah serves as an example of how we can think of God in the face of emotional struggles. It is our prayer that you will find hope in the same place that Hannah did!

Jude 3-4 – What Are You Fighting For?

In today's podcast, join us as Pastor Steve challenges us to contend FOR the Gospel. It is crucial that Christians know the Gospel, share the Gospel, and that they intensely strive to make sure that others know that the Gospel is Truth.

Why Do We Need Ezra?

Join us as Pastor Steve answers this question. Maybe for some of you, the book of Ezra is a part of the Bible that is a bit murky for you. It certainly was for me! I knew all of the early stories - Creation, Fall, Exodus, Samson, David and Goliath, Solomon the wise, and even... Continue Reading →

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